Canadian Criminal
Justice Academy

Criminal Justice Diploma
Program Description
The Canadian Criminal Justice Academy offers a 2-year Criminal Justice Diploma designed to equip Learners with a robust academic foundation, essential skills, and practical experience for future careers in criminal justice. Graduates will be highly sought after in public safety and eligible for employment in a wide range of related fields.
Admissions Start Date: May 5, 2025, Sept 2, 2025, Jan 2, 2026
Semester: 5 Semester
Program Delivery: In-class and on-campus

At least 17 years old at the date of application with the Applicant reaching their 18ᵗʰ birthday before formal studies begin. This “age of majority” is a requirement to access facilities, practicum opportunities, and positions within justice, corrections, public and private policing, and other criminal justice-related areas.
Possess a Canadian high school diploma or equivalent to Canadian standards - Learn more
Be a Canadian citizen, or hold a Permanent Resident status with the Government of Canada.
Apply Online
You must submit a preliminary application to become an official candidate for upcoming cohorts.
The Admissions Officer at CCJA will start your admissions process upon receiving the completed application online and have received the non-refundable registration fee. Upon completion, your application along with the eligibility questions will be reviewed. Eligibility will be determined by the Admission Officer.
Once approved, you will receive a conditional acceptance letter and be invited to the registration stage.
Application fee - $75 + GST
Please note once we have reviewed your qualification you will then be able to move forward with your admission process.
The Application Fee is non-refundable.

Once you have received a conditional acceptance letter, you may move on to the admissions process.
Candidates seeking admission to the Academy require a recommendation from a Distinguished Nomination Officer (DNO). The DNO nomination is crucial, signifying recognition of promising leadership, academic excellence, and commitment. The DNO Officer can be from various sectors, and familiarity of the Registrant is not required. It is recommended that the Registrant provide a goal-focused cover letter to their DNO Officer that describes the level of commitment to their education and service to their communities. Nomination officials may be invited to Academy events and ceremonies. A nomination is a mandatory requirement to attend CCJA. Find out more info here.
Completing a Personal Disclosure Form and Personal Disclosure Interview
Completing the Personal Disclosure Form and attending the Personal Disclosure Interview is a pre-requisite which reflects the stages to being recruited to a police agency in Alberta.
Polygraph Interview Conducted
A polygraph is a truth verifier and an important step in your diploma application. The Academy utilizes the results to determine approval into the Criminal Justice Diploma Program. A certified polygraphist will conduct this examination. This is a Diploma pre-education polygraph and not a criminal investigation. Honesty and thoroughness are the measurables for this important and mandatory step.
Submit All documents
Required documents include:
High School Diploma and Transcripts
Copy of the Provincial Driver’s Licence or Provincial Identification Card
Distinguished Nomination Officer (DNO) Letter
Completed Personal Disclosure Form
Completed Polygraph Examination
Any Other Certifications or Documentation
Student Enrollment Contract
Upon review of the results of the truth verification and submitted documentation, the candidate will receive the academic policies and student manual along with the Student Enrollment Contract for review and acknowledgment.
Letter of Acceptance
Upon receipt of the Student Enrollment Contract, the Letter of Acceptance from the Executive Officers of the Canadian Criminal Justice Academy will be delivered. A $500.00 registration fee will be required to hold position in the cohort. This fee is applied to the tuition fees in the first semester.
Course Listing
1. Criminal Justice System
2. Effective Writing & Research Methods
3. Law Enforcement Investigations (Level 1)
4. Fitness and Lifestyle I
5. Justice and Criminology
Semester 1 Courses
Semester 2 Courses
Common Law, Criminal Procedures, and Criminal Code
Police Powers and Authority
Law Enforcement Investigations (Level 2)
Policing Indigenous People and Community
Traffic Investigations, Enforcement, and Management
Semester 3
Criminal Justice Careers Practicum - 240 hours - Local, Regional, and International Practicum Opportunities
Semester 4
1. Law Enforcement Investigations (Level 3)
2. Canadian Youth Justice; Protecting the Future
3. Mental Health and Addiction
4. Search, Seizure and Evidence
5. Communication and conflict resolution
Semester 5 Courses
Ethics, Police leadership, and decision- making
Human Rights and Diversity - Policing in a Multicultural Canada
Law Enforcement Investigations (Level 4)
Fitness and Lifestyle 2
Community Policing Initiatives

Career Options
Our graduates will become top candidates in public safety, equipped to pursue a broad array of career opportunities in related fields, including:
Municipal police services
Federal police and enforcement agencies
Canada Border Services Agency
Provincial and Municipal Peace Officers
Correctional Peace Officers
Private security agencies
Provincial, private, and non-governmental justice-related agencies.

Tuition includes the following:
Student fees
Course material fees
Computer with library application
Textbook and electronic textbook fees
Student Insurance Coverage
Graduation fees
Administrative fees
Clubs & Activities